Introduction: A Night of High Stakes and High Tensions
The first debate of the 2024 US presidential election, held between current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, was a highly anticipated event. Both candidates are no strangers to the intense political arena, having sparred during the 2020 election cycle. However, the tone of this debate was notably different, with personal attacks and disparaging comments overshadowing meaningful discussions on policy.
A Range of Topics Overshadowed by Personal Insults
The 90-minute prime-time debate was expected to cover significant issues such as immigration policy, foreign relations, and abortion rights. While these topics were indeed mentioned, they were often eclipsed by the acrimonious back-and-forth between the two candidates. Biden, at 81 years old, and Trump, at 78, are both among the oldest candidates in US history, and perhaps this added to the fraught atmosphere of the debate.
Immigration Policy: A Brief Mention Amidst the Clamor
On the subject of immigration, Trump reiterated his stance on building a stronger border wall, while Biden spoke about more humane immigration policies, focusing on treating immigrants with dignity. However, these points were lost in the noise as the candidates quickly descended into name-calling and interrupting each other.
Foreign Policy: Jabs Over Substance
Foreign policy was another area where both candidates had significant differences. Trump boasted about his close relations with foreign leaders, while Biden critiqued Trump’s approach, suggesting it compromised US interests. Again, the debate veered away from a substantive discussion, as both candidates resorted to more personal digs and less on how they would handle international affairs.
Abortion: A Heated Interjection
Abortion rights, a hot-button issue in American politics, was another topic briefly touched upon. Biden emphasized a woman's right to choose, aligning himself with the pro-choice movement. In contrast, Trump positioned himself as a defender of conservative values. However, their positions were overshadowed by the increasingly personal nature of their exchanges.
The Art of the Insult: A Painful Spectacle
This debate will likely be remembered more for its tone than its content. Trump didn’t shy away from his usual bluster, boasting about his golf trophies and claiming superior physical stamina. Biden, visibly flustered at times, offered counterarguments but also stumbled over his words. The debate turned into a spectacle, with Biden claiming to be a single-digit handicap in golf, a fact-checkers' nightmare.

Performance Under Pressure: Biden’s Struggles
Democrats had hoped this debate would be an opportunity for Biden to showcase his resolve and suitability for a second term. Instead, Biden appeared to fall short of these expectations. He mumbled, appeared tongue-tied, and often seemed unable to finish his sentences clearly. His performance raised more questions than it answered about his fitness for office, despite his well-documented political experience and achievements.
Trump's Bravado: Confidence Amid Controversy
On the other hand, Trump’s characteristic bravado was fully on display. He appeared confident, if not overly combative, and his persistent self-promotion was evident. Trump’s frequent interruptions and contentious remarks dominated the narrative, leaving little room for a nuanced discussion of the policies they were supposed to debate.
The Memorable Moments: For Better or Worse
There were a few moments that stood out during the debate, albeit for the wrong reasons. From Trump’s unsubstantiated claims about his prowess to Biden’s stumbling responses, these instances were memorable, if disheartening. The lack of substantive discourse was striking. Viewers hoping for insight into policy direction were likely left disappointed as the debate devolved into a litany of personal grievances and point-scoring attempts.

Public Reaction: Disappointment and Division
The aftermath of the debate saw a divided public. Supporters of both candidates felt their champion performed well, but many neutral observers expressed disappointment. The hope for a cohesive discussion on important topics was dashed by the incessant bickering. Analysts noted that this kind of debate does little to help voters make informed decisions, as the focus remained on the candidates' personal animosities rather than their plans and policies.
Conclusion: A Painfully Long Campaign Ahead
As the dust settles from this first debate, it is clear that the 2024 presidential campaign is set for a long, arduous path. The tone has been set, and it is one of animosity and personal attacks rather than constructive discourse. Voters can only hope that future debates will rise above the fray and provide clearer insights into what the candidates plan for the future of the United States.